We are excited to announce the release of our revamped Thank You page, now available for all new forms created starting from May 23rd, 2024. We have provided more customization options, making it easier than ever to create a more personalized and engaging experience for your form respondents.
As before, start from the Create tab of our form builder and select Thank You from the left side panel. You’ll first notice a preview of the default Thank you message that now shows up when someone submits your form and a right-side panel with various options. Let’s dive into all the new settings.
The first thing that might draw your attention is the image. The Add media section on the right-side panel has the Image option selected by default, but you can also choose to display a Video instead. Just select the icon for the option you wish to use.
Adding an Image
To add an image from your device, hover over the image on the right-side panel and click Replace. The formats accepted are .png, .jpeg, .gif, and .webp.
Once you upload your file, it will open in a new Crop & edit image editor from where you can further customize it to best fit your Thank You page.
The options you can use to edit your image are:
You can also drag the image in the canvas if you need to change its positioning. When you are happy with your image, click on Save image to add it to your Thank You page.
The image can be resized in the main view as well. Simply hover over it and grab the handles at the margins to resize your image.
If you don’t want an image on your Thank You page, select the Delete icon on the right-side panel.
You can always come back and add an image by selecting Browse.
Adding a Video
If you want to show a video instead, select the Video icon in Add media. A new field will show up where you will need to add the Video link. You can add links from YouTube and Vimeo.
The new Thank You page contains a Title and Subtitle section that can be edited inline by clicking the text in the main view. Both sections provide the same text editor that appears at the top of the text and allows you to:
Be careful when you delete your form fields, as they will no longer appear on the Thank You page.
The first option on the right-side panel is Redirect to URL, a premium option that you can use starting from the Gold plan. If you have a lower plan, you will notice a premium icon that will help you upgrade your account on the spot to benefit from this feature.
Similar to the original Thank You page settings, you can still redirect your form respondents to a different website. Turn on the toggle to set up the redirect options.
Start by adding the URL where you want to redirect your users upon submission in the field that opens.
Next, you will find the Title field, where you can add a name or short description for your link. You can also choose where you would like the link to open: on the Same page or in a New tab.
Lastly, type in the Seconds until redirect. The default and minimum value is 5 seconds. Feel free to increase it if you have more information on your Thank You page. You can increase the redirect time up to 60 seconds. Alternatively, you can disable the Show ‘Thank you” Page toggle for the redirect to happen right after the form is submitted.
There are 4 more options that you can enable for your new Thank You page: Go to URL, Fill again, Download PDF, and Submission Summary. All of them are premium features included in the Gold plan and higher. You will find them in the Options section at the bottom of the right-side panel.
Go to URL
If you wish for your respondents to access a link at their own pace, enable the Go to URL toggle. Once enabled you can customize the Button text and add the Button URL.
Fill again
A new feature introduced with this update is Fill again. With this option enabled, users can reload the form and make a new submission. Here you can also customize the Button text.
Download PDF
Another new option is that you can now provide a PDF document that your users can download after they submit the form. Turn on the Download PDF toggle and click on Browse to upload your PDF file (the maximum allowed size is 5MB).
The Download PDF button will show up on the Thank You page only after you upload the PDF. You can also Replace the PDF or select the Delete icon if you wish to remove it.
Submission Summary
The Submission Summary feature allows users to easily download their form submission in PDF format directly from the Thank you page. With this option enabled, a link will appear on the Thank you page, enabling users to generate a PDF containing the form layout with their submitted information.
The color of the Go to URL, Fill again, Download PDF buttons, and the Submission Summary text are the same as the Submit button. You can change the color from Design → Quick Setup → Button color.
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Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions. For more FAQs, please browse through the FAQs page.
I’m wondering when the migration will be ready for older forms. I’d like to add the ability to fill the form again on my forms.
Hi, thank you for your question! If you’d like to upgrade your older forms to the new Thank-you page, a quick way to do this is by duplicating the form. The duplicate will automatically use the latest features, including the updated Thank-You page.