Open Water Swimming Skills and Race Preparation 

Waskesiu Saturday August 6,11 12- 1pm

What: Open water swim and safety skills for open water swimming and triathlon 
When: Saturday Aug 11th 12- 1pm  Waskesiu, SK

Cost: FREE to all current Triathlon Sask Members as well as Swim Sask members 
Equipment: Swim Suit, Goggles, Cap. This event will be coached by Sean Hooper the Triathlon Sask Coach of the Year for 2017. He will be teaching open water safety as well as skills and techniques that will increase your comfort and performance in the open water. Some skills that will be covered and focused on are: Sighting, Cornering, Drafting, Entries and Exits Details: Sean will be spending approx 60 min on safety and skills practice and this will be followed up by a 45 min workout designed to put all the skills together in a race simulation. Ages: 10 and up. (This is not a learn to swim. Must be able to swim 100m without stopping).
Tri Sask Privacy Policy:If you would like a copy of the Saskatchewan Triathlon Privacy Policy please email and we will provide you a copy. Our privacy policy can also be accessed on our web site at of Risk I am aware that participating in the sport of triathlon and any Triathlon Saskatchewan sanctioned event has many inherent risks, including but not limited to: drowning, electrocution, being hit by a boat, breaking of limbs, bicycling crashes, car crashes, saddles sores, carpel tunnel syndrome, repetitive strain injuries, bee stings, food poisoning, allergic reactions, animal bites, insect bites, blisters, sunburn, dehydration. I freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers and hazards and the possibility of personal injury, death, property damage or loss, resulting there from. Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims & Indemnity Agreement In consideration of The Organizers of any TRIATHLON SASKATCHEWAN sanctioned event of allowing my participation in any TRIATHLON SASKATCHEWAN sanctioned event, I agree as follows: 1. To waive any and all claims that I have or may have in the future against The Organizers of any TRIATHLON SASKATCHEWAN sanctioned event and its members, officers, employees, students, agents, sanctioning organization, volunteers and independent contractors (all of whom are hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Releasees”); 2. To release the Releasees from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury or expense that I may suffer, or that my next of kin may suffer as a result of my participation in the sport of triathlon and any TRIATHLON SASKATCHEWAN sanctioned event due to any cause whatsoever INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, BREACH OF CONTRACT, OR BREACH OF ANY STATUTORY OR OTHER DUTY OF CARE, INCLUDING ANY DUTY OF CARE OWED UNDER THE OCCUPIERS’ LIABILITY ACT, RSA 1980 c.0-3 AS AMENDED ON THE PART OF THE RELEASEES; 3. To hold harmless and indemnify the Releasees from any and all liability for any damage to the property of, personal injury to, any third party, resulting from my participation in the sport of triathlon and any TRIATHLON SASKATCHEWAN sanctioned event; 4. This agreement shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, assigns and representatives in the event of my death or incapacity. In entering into this Agreement, I am not relying upon any oral or written representatives or statements made by the Releasees other than what is set forth in this Agreement; and 5. I realize that, with this membership, I may be subject to unannounced drug testing as provided for by Triathlon Canada’s agreement with the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport. 6. Day of Event membership extends to sanctioned event activities for the day of the event only and are not available for adults. 7. To grant full permission to the Sask. Triathlon Association Corp. to use event photographs and video images I appear in for TRIATHLON SASKATCHEWAN promotional purposes.I have read and understood this Agreement and I am aware that by signing this Agreement, I am waiving certain legal rights which I or my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns may have against the Releasees.