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Employee Onboarding Survey Questions: What to Ask, When and Why

First impressions matter, especially for new employees on their first day. And asking them about their experience can reveal wonderful eye-opening insights that allow them to be more successful in the future.

But to get access to these employee onboarding survey questions, you need to understand what this type of survey is all about and why it is important. Of course, we will also go through some intuitive questions and best practices for onboarding new employees. Let’s begin!

What Is an Employee Onboarding Survey?

An employee onboarding survey is a tool used by organizations to gather feedback from new hires about their onboarding experience. 

They are typically conducted within the first few weeks or months of employment. They aim to understand how effectively the onboarding process is helping employees transition into their new roles. 

The questions cover aspects like training, company culture, role clarity, and overall satisfaction. 

With these insights from new hires, companies can identify areas for improvement. They can also ensure a smoother integration of new team members into the workplace.

Why Are Employee Onboarding Surveys Important?

Employee onboarding surveys lay the foundation for optimizing the employee experience. They also prove to your employees that you are open to their suggestions and that they have a voice within your organization from the very beginning. 

An employee onboarding survey also helps you:

  • Retain talent: new hires with good onboarding tend to stay in their new jobs. That is why understanding what is working and what is not starting from the onboarding process can help your business solve any issues before they negatively impact employee retention rates. Moreover, these surveys help identify pain points that may hinder an employee’s early experiences, from confusing procedures to insufficient training. 
  • Meet expectations: the interview process provides new hires with the opportunity to preview what their job and organization are about. On day one and beyond, they assess whether their expectations are being met. The onboarding survey allows your business to understand those expectations so you can more easily meet them, thus keeping employees engaged and happy with their choices. Moreover, these surveys help identify pain points that may hinder an employee’s early experiences, from confusing procedures to insufficient training. 
  • Determine ROI: new employee recruitment can be costly. It can be difficult to recoup the cost of attracting and hiring a new employee after another one leaves. You can ask employees about onboarding to uncover potential reasons for early turnover. 

What Are the Benefits of a Good Onboarding Survey?

A well-designed onboarding survey offers several benefits for both the company and its employees:

  • Early detection of issues: HR teams and managers spot any problems new hires may face, from lack of clarity in their roles to inadequate access to training materials.
  • Improved retention: New employees who experience a smooth and positive onboarding process are likelier to remain with the company long-term.    
  • Boosted engagement: Employees who feel heard and supported during their initial stages of employment tend to be more engaged. An engaged workforce leads to better collaboration, innovation, and overall performance.
  • Cultural alignment: Onboarding surveys help assess how well new hires integrate into the company culture. They provide insights on whether additional cultural orientation or mentoring is required.

15 Employee Onboarding Questions You Should Be Asking

To truly benefit from an employee onboarding survey, it’s crucial to ask the right questions. Here are 15 key questions that can provide a comprehensive overview of a new hire’s onboarding experience:

1. How would you rate the overall onboarding experience?

   This question provides an overall assessment and sets the tone for deeper exploration.

2. Did you feel welcomed and supported during your first week?

   This helps measure the initial experience and warmth extended to new employees.

3. How clearly did we communicate your job responsibilities?

   Ensure there is clarity around job roles and expectations from the start.

4. Was the information provided during your orientation helpful and sufficient?

   Use this question to determine whether the training and orientation were effective.

5. How well did your onboarding process prepare you for your current role?

   This addresses the practical effectiveness of the onboarding, focusing on job readiness.

6. Were you introduced to the key team members and stakeholders?

   Building early relationships is essential for collaboration, and this question assesses if that was facilitated.

7. Did you encounter any challenges during the onboarding process?

   Highlight potential obstacles that might have hindered the onboarding experience.

8. How satisfied are you with the tools and resources provided to you?

   Ensure employees have what they need to perform their roles effectively.

9. Do you feel you have a clear path for growth and development here?

   This question reveals whether career progression and development opportunities are well communicated.

10. Is there anything we could have done differently to improve your onboarding experience? 

    Provide a chance for open-ended feedback that can lead to actionable insights.

11. Do you feel aligned with the company’s mission and values?

    Ask this to assess cultural fit and alignment with the organization’s goals.

12. Was the onboarding timeline appropriate, or did you feel rushed or underwhelmed?

    Timing can greatly affect the onboarding experience, and this question helps identify any pacing issues.

13. Have you had opportunities to provide feedback during your onboarding process? 

    New hires should feel like they can voice their opinions or concerns throughout the process.

14. How would you rate your onboarding trainer or mentor?

    This evaluates the quality and effectiveness of the person responsible for guiding the new hire.

15. Would you recommend our onboarding process to others? Why or why not? 

    This question serves as a measure of satisfaction and provides insight into the new hire’s likelihood of recommending your company to future employees.

Employee Onboarding Survey Questions Best Practices

To get the most out of your onboarding surveys, follow these best practices:

  • Timing is key – Distribute the survey after the first few weeks or months of employment. This way, you give the new hire time to fully experience the onboarding process. At the same time, you are not allowing any issues to take root. 
  • Keep it short and focused – It may be tempting to ask many questions. But a survey shouldn’t be too long. Otherwise, it can prove overwhelming for the new hire. Focus on the crucial aspects of the onboarding experience to ensure higher completion rates. 
  • Be consistent – Use the same or similar questions across different survey iterations. This will help track improvements or declines in the onboarding process over time.
  • Act on feedback – You gathered some data, now what? Collecting feedback is only half the battle. You must take action based on the responses received. Employees feel more valued and respected when they see tangible changes based on their feedback.
  • Include open-ended questions – Rating scales are useful for quick insights. Allow employees to provide more detailed feedback with an open-ended question.
  • Communicate results – Share the results of the survey, along with any planned changes, to all employees. Transparency builds trust and encourages people to give feedback in the future.

Final Thoughts

Employee onboarding survey questions are great tools for shaping the success of new hires—and your organization’s profits, too. Ask the right questions to improve your onboarding process and reach new employee satisfaction rates. Enjoy a more engaged workforce and try out 123FormBuilder, your online solution for everything survey-related. Go ahead—it’s free!

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