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Guide to Ensuring Salesforce Form Security

Data security is critical for businesses, especially when handling sensitive information through Salesforce forms. This guide covers key practices for securing your forms and protecting your data.

Why is data protection important?

It’s not just about meeting regulations—it’s about building customer trust and keeping your brand safe. With cyber threats increasing, staying ahead with strong security measures is important.

In many industries, data protection is also a legal requirement. Regulations like GDPR in Europe and HIPAA in the U.S. set strict rules for handling sensitive data. Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines and penalties, harming finances and reputation. By prioritizing data protection, businesses secure their information and show they value responsible data management.

Data security threats in Salesforce forms

One common issue is unauthorized access. Cybercriminals may exploit weak passwords, compromised accounts, or vulnerabilities in Salesforce’s authentication system to steal sensitive information like customer data or financial details.

Data breaches are another risk. Hackers can use methods like SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS) to access data in Salesforce forms, putting the business and its customers at risk.

Phishing attacks are also a concern. If an employee is tricked into sharing login details, attackers can gain access to Salesforce and its data.

Finally, data loss from system failures, disasters, or human error is a threat. Without strong backup and recovery plans, losing important data from Salesforce forms can cause financial loss, disruptions, and damage to your reputation.

So, the most common security threats to Salesforce forms include:

1. SQL Injection: Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in form fields to execute malicious SQL queries, potentially gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data.

2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): This involves injecting malicious scripts into forms, allowing attackers to steal user credentials or manipulate user sessions.

3. Phishing Attacks: Salesforce users may be targeted through phishing schemes that impersonate legitimate entities, tricking them into revealing sensitive information.

4. Misconfigured Access Controls: Inadequate access settings can expose sensitive data to unauthorized users, increasing the risk of data breaches and manipulation.

5. Weak Password Policies: Compromised or weak passwords can lead to unauthorized access, especially if users employ the same passwords across multiple platforms.

6. Insider Threats: Employees with legitimate access may misuse their permissions, either intentionally or unintentionally, leading to data leaks or unauthorized changes.

7. Lack of Visibility and Monitoring: Organizations often lack adequate monitoring of potential threats within Salesforce, making it difficult to detect and respond to security incidents effectively.

8. API Vulnerabilities: APIs can expose sensitive data if not properly secured, leading to unauthorized access through poorly configured calls or third-party applications.

Implementing strong security measures such as multi-factor authentication, data encryption, secure file scanning, field validation, and employee training can help mitigate these risks and protect Salesforce forms from potential threats.

5 Key Practices for Securing Salesforce Forms

To protect your Salesforce forms and the data they collect, it’s essential to implement a comprehensive security strategy that addresses the various threats. Here are some best practices to consider:

1. Implementing strong password policies

Enforcing strong password policies is a key security measure for Salesforce forms. Require all users, including admins and employees, to create strong, unique passwords and update them regularly. Set rules for password length and require a mix of uppercase, lowercase, special characters, and numbers. Avoid common or easy-to-guess passwords.

Consider using password management tools to generate and store secure passwords, reducing the chance of human error. Regularly audit passwords and promptly remove inactive or terminated accounts to further secure your Salesforce forms.

2. Two-factor authentication for enhanced security

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a powerful security measure that adds an extra layer of protection to your Salesforce forms. By requiring users to provide a second form of authentication, such as a one-time code sent to their mobile device or a biometric scan, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

salesforce forms

Implementing 2FA for all Salesforce form access, including administrative accounts, can help mitigate the threat of compromised credentials and prevent cybercriminals from gaining unauthorized entry to your sensitive data. Additionally, consider setting up 2FA for critical actions within the Salesforce platform, such as modifying form configurations or accessing sensitive data.

3. Field Validation

Field validation ensures that users enter the correct type of information in each form field. This can help block malicious inputs and make sure that your data is usable. For instance, you can set your form to accept only valid email formats or phone numbers in a specific pattern.

Not only does field validation prevent harmful data from entering your system, but it also improves the accuracy of the data you collect.

4. Encrypting sensitive data in Salesforce forms

Encryption is a crucial security measure for protecting the sensitive data collected through your Salesforce forms. By encrypting information such as customer financial details, personal identifiers, or proprietary business data, you can ensure that even if a breach occurs, the stolen data will be meaningless to the attacker.

Salesforce offers various encryption options, including field-level encryption, which allows you to selectively encrypt specific data fields, and platform-level encryption, which provides higher protection for your entire Salesforce environment. Regularly reviewing and updating your encryption policies and ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to encryption keys can further strengthen the security of your Salesforce forms.

5. Use a Secure File Scan

If your form allows file uploads, it could be an entry point for malware. A secure file scan ensures that uploaded files are safe for your system. Using a tool like 123FormBuilder, you can automatically check each file before accepting it.

For added security, consider requiring a two-step verification process before allowing users to upload files.

Ensuring Security with the Right Tools

Not all form-building tools are created equal when it comes to security. Choosing a platform that offers advanced security features and meets compliance standards is essential. 

A platform like 123FormBuilder makes it easy to collect and manage data securely while offering strong privacy protections.

If you’re considering a Salesforce-connected form builder, here are five essential security features to seek:

1. Regulatory Compliance

123FormBuilder is certified HIPAA compliant, enabling healthcare providers to securely collect patient information through online forms and workflows while adhering to HIPAA standards, and it offers a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) for added protection of Protected Health Information (PHI). 

The platform is fully GDPR compliant, ensuring the privacy and security of data in line with European Union regulations. It also complies with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), granting California residents control over their personal data, and meets COPPA requirements to protect children under 13 by securing parental consent and providing a clear privacy policy.

Keeping up with these regulations can be challenging, so selecting a compliant form builder is crucial for maintaining security and customer trust.

2. Data and Form Encryption

123FormBuilder offers an additional layer of security with optional data encryption at rest, enhancing the protection of your forms and customer privacy. This feature, along with 256-bit SSL encryption, securely stores data and private keys on AWS servers, ensuring access is restricted to authorized users only.

3. Secure Payment Processing

123FormBuilder ensures secure payment processing through its certified integrations with platforms like PayPal, Stripe, and These secure integrations streamline transactions while protecting sensitive data, making it a reliable solution for forms that facilitate payments and connect to Salesforce.

5 Payment Gateways for Your Salesforce Forms

4. Administrative Features

Designed to simplify user management and enhance data protection, 123FormBuilder includes several key administrative features:

  • Customizable User Roles and Permissions: Administrators can define various user roles, such as Account Owner, Super Admin, Group Admin, Standard User, and Viewer. Each role has specific permissions that control access to forms and data, ensuring that only authorized personnel can manage or view sensitive information.
  • User Management: Administrators can create and manage user accounts, including adding new users and assigning them to specific groups. This allows for tailored access based on the needs of the organization.
  • Comprehensive Audit Trails: The platform provides detailed logs of user activities, including logins and form submissions. This feature helps administrators monitor actions within the system and identify any unauthorized access.
  • Daily Backups and Data Recovery: The platform ensures daily backups of form data and offers recovery options for deleted forms within a specified timeframe, helping to safeguard against data loss.
  • Multi-User Collaboration: The tool supports multi-user collaboration, allowing teams to work together on form creation and management while maintaining control over user permissions.

These features collectively enhance the administrative capabilities of 123FormBuilder, making it a robust tool for managing online forms securely and efficiently.

5. Authentication Options

123FormBuilder provides several authentication methods to enhance account security:

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): This feature requires users to provide a second form of verification in addition to their password. Users can utilize the Authenticator App by 2Stable, which generates time-sensitive codes needed for login, adding an extra layer of security against unauthorized access.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): 123FormBuilder supports Single Sign-On integration, allowing users to log in using their existing credentials from services like Microsoft Entra (Azure). This simplifies user management and enhances security by centralizing authentication processes.
  • Password Protection: Specific forms can be secured with password protection, ensuring that only individuals with the correct password can access and submit them.
  • Automatic Session Timeout: To protect user accounts, 123FormBuilder implements automatic session timeouts, logging users out after a period of inactivity to reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

All these methods help protect user accounts and sensitive data on the platform.

Protect Your Data with 123FormBuilder

Choosing a secure form builder like 123FormBuilder gives you the confidence to gather sensitive data while ensuring security and compliance. By following these security best practices and using advanced tools, you can protect both your company and your customers from the risks associated with online data collection.

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