Top 7 Pieces of Innovative Technology that Spook Us Out
Sugar, spice, and everything nice, technology’s evolving, but what is the price? In 1984, Arnold Schwarzenegger was (finally) making it big in H...
The essential guide to setting up, customizing, and optimizing online forms. Written by the 123 team, our amazing customers, and top business experts.
Sugar, spice, and everything nice, technology’s evolving, but what is the price? In 1984, Arnold Schwarzenegger was (finally) making it big in H...
The battle between guest checkouts and registered accounts is fiercer than ever. As of this year, it is estimated that by 2021, there will be...
It's a good thing the moon landing happened in 1969 - because if it had happened today, Armstrong would've had to wear at least two devices to pr...
The Net Promoter Score is a wide topic - one that is quite heavily debated and discussed in the cyber business area (preponderantly in eCommerc...
I have said it before, and I will repeat it: I am the biggest, nerdiest, most passionate eCommerce consumer in history. Naturally, I always lean ...
What is the best way to get customer feedback? Customer feedback methods can be downright confusing when you have no idea where to start...
The thing with language (in this specific case, English) is that although personal abandonment issues and legal abandonment issues are very much ...
We have seen big data analytics go from a hip buzzword to a flourishing market accounting for nearly $10 billion, in less than a couple of deca...
We stumbled upon an idea according to which people aren't using contact forms anymore. According to some, the preferred method of contact is (and...
According to the latest studies, nearly 50% of the people on the internet (mind you, almost three billion of them!) use their phones to connect t...
I can only imagine the chats the guys had over the first newspaper ever published and how they must have argued on what to put under the fold and...
Don’t worry, it’s just a bit of salmonella, it won’t do you any harm is not the kind of sentence you hear about very often – but somehow, don’t...
Greetings, fellow data-driven pioneer, Put on your data-enthusiast cap, grab some popcorn, sit back, and indulge. Within the twelve or s...
A world where customer feedback and customer feedback tools do not exist is a world of absurd noncommunication. Just like the pupil and the pro...