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Company Updates

Get the latest updates about what 123FormBuilder is up to if it’s about form building, new features, new milestones, or just an online hug to our 123 fans.

  • Company Values Face-Lift

    There comes a time when, along their intricate journey, both the company and the people that comprise it reach a certain level of maturity. That ...

  • We Are Discontinuing Support for Internet Explorer 11 on March 31st 2020

    We maintain and develop the 123FormBuilder platform to support the latest and most stable web-browser versions. We highly recommend updating your...

  • Inside 123FormBuilder! Meet the Teams – An Interview with Nicu Micle

    123FormBuilder started in 2008 with two people who left their safe jobs to follow their passion. Today we're an international team of 80 emplo...

  • Inside123FormBuilder! An Interview on Handling Customer Support with Customer Support Manager Karina Kulik

    Early this year, Steve Benjamins from SiteBuilderreport emailed 52 SaaS companies to test support time and he recently published the results....

  • Interview with the founders of 123FormBuilder. Part one: Florin Cornianu, CEO

    Around this time, 8 years ago, Florin Cornianu and Tudor Bastea left their safe jobs to follow their passion and focus on personal projects. They...