Frequently Asked Questions

How to customize the template?

Customize the Travel Inquiry Form template by opening it in our intuitive form builder. Use the drag-and-drop interface to add, remove, or modify fields to match your specific travel inquiry requirements. You can include text fields for traveler information, dropdown menus for destination selections, and checkboxes for travel preferences. Moreover, personalize the form with your agency’s branding by incorporating logos and adjusting the color scheme to maintain consistency.

How to publish the template?

After customizing the form to your preferences, click the ‘Publish’ button within the form builder. This action generates an incorporable form link for your Travel Inquiry Form. Then, you can share it on social media or embed it directly onto your agency’s website, providing easy access for potential travelers.

How can I collect & manage data?

The Travel Inquiry Form securely collects data online and stores it in your 123FormBuilder account. , ensuring all traveler information is safe and systematically organized. You can review individual inquiries or export data to spreadsheets for detailed analysis. Moreover, integrating with other apps like CRM systems will streamline your data management and follow-up processes.

How can I optimize processes?

For example, connect your form with a scheduling tool to set up consultations seamlessly or link it to an email marketing platform to send personalized follow-up messages to travelers. Utilize conditional logic to guide travelers through the inquiry process efficiently, and regularly monitor submissions to address any concerns promptly and maintain organized records.

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